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A Lading Finance Simplifica o Financiamento para Importadores Brasileiros

Oferecemos soluções rápidas e sem burocracia para que as empresas possam crescer com o capital que precisam para suas operações de importação.


Mission & History

This is a space to share more about the business. Take advantage of this long text to tell people who's behind it, what it does, how it began, and other details. It's an excellent place to share the story behind the business and describe what this site has to offer its visitors.


You can write about the business's history here, from its founding until now. Draw readers in with an engaging narrative. By telling its story, you can help people connect to the business. Share what inspired its creation and what need it was meant to fill. You can include details of the obstacles it overcame to get where it is today. 


This space is also a good spot to talk about a particular feature of the business that sets it apart from its competitors. Explain to readers what makes this business unique and why they should choose it over other options. Focus on the value this business can offer its users.


Let visitors to this website know that they'll find what they're looking for right here. Present the business as the solution to a specific problem and highlight the ways the business's products or services can make life better for people. 


Outline the business's mission and core values. Describe the principles that drive its work and the standards it upholds. In a few words, explain the impact this business has had, or hopes to have, on its community and the world.


Tell readers how the business puts its users first. Emphasize how it looks out for them, finding solutions to meet their needs and keep them satisfied. Reassure prospective clients and customers that they won't regret choosing the business's services or products.


Nossa Missão

Na Lading Finance, nossa missão é ajudar empresas importadoras a levantar capital de forma ágil e descomplicada. Nossa tecnologia utiliza inteligência artificial para reduzir a burocracia e agilizar o processo de aprovação, garantindo que você tenha acesso ao crédito de que precisa para expandir suas operações e melhorar o fluxo de caixa.

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Quem Somos

Somos uma fintech brasileira especializada em oferecer soluções financeiras para importadores. Temos soluções sob medida, utilizando o Bill of Lading (BL) e outros ativos como garantias, facilitamos o acesso ao capital de giro, ajudando importadores a garantir o financiamento necessário para manter suas operações e crescer no mercado global.


Nossa Equipe

A equipe da Lading Finance é formada por especialistas em finanças, tecnologia e comércio internacional, todos com um objetivo em comum: facilitar o acesso ao crédito para importadores brasileiros.

Conor Brady

CEO & Cofundador

Advogado com mestrado em Direito Internacional pela Trinity College, Dublin, que se tornou um empreendedor no Brasil em 2006. Líder experiente em empresas de tecnologia, com foco em desenvolvimento de negócios e gestão de produtos.

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Conor Brady | CEO & Cofundador at Lading Finance

André Meira

Diretor Financeiro & Cofundador

Atuário e Mestre em Finanças pela USP, com ampla experiência em ciência de dados, programação, contratos inteligentes, arquitetura de soluções e modelagem de gestão de riscos. Ocupou posições de liderança na KPMG, AXA, MB e architectura DREX na Caixa.

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André Meira | Diretor Financeiro & Cofundador at Lading Finance

Ricardo Amorim

CTO & Cofundador

Formado em Engenharia pela UP, com 15 anos de experiência em gestão de tecnologia em empresas dos EUA como Software Engineering Manager, com ampla experiência em planejar e implementar arquiteturas de sistemas complexos.

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Ricardo Amorim | CTO & Cofundador at Lading Finance

Hugo Mathecowitsch

Cofundador Não Executivo

Economista pela LSE, ex-banqueiro de investimento, venture capitalist e investidor-anjo. De nacionalidade francesa, Hugo é o fundador da A55, uma fintech brasileira especializada em crédito B2B, destacando-se como uma das principais fintechs do Brasil.

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Hugo Mathecowitsch | Cofundador Não Executivo at Lading Finance

Pronto para Simplificar o Financiamento da Sua Empresa?


8mosphere Technologies By The Numbers

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A proven track record of success in aerospace and defense R&D.

years of experience

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Actively engaged in driving innovation across diverse areas.

Conor Brady

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Recognition for groundbreaking technological advancements.

Patents Awarded

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A team of passionate and skilled engineers, scientists, and researchers.

Talented Employees



Aerospace Engineer

This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.

San Fransisco

Software Engineer - Avionics

This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.

San Fransisco

Research Scientist - Materials Science

This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.

San Fransisco

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